Untitled 1

Dohnanyi Sextet, Fibich Quintet, Endymion Ensemble.
ASV 943

“Both these works break the mould of conventional piano chamber music with scoring that mixes string and wind instruments. The resultant colouring is so beautiful and distinctive that one wonders why so few other composers explored such possibilities. This is an outstanding chamber music disc and a truly worthy addition to the catalogue.” 
Classic CD 5-star recording

"The Endymions play with great feeling and panache; they are splendidly recorded and can be strongly recommended."
Penguin Guide to Compact Discs

Rhapsody Trio
York Bowen 2 Piano Trios, Horn Quintet Endymion Ensemble. Dutton CDLX 7115

"Superb performances"
Guardian 5-star recording"

Admirably played - a feast of romantic chamber music rewarding to explore."

“The Endymion Ensemble give nigh on faultless performances.”
Amazon.com 5 stars

Clarinet Sonata 3rd movement with Mark van de Wiel

Oboe Sonata 3rd movement with Melinda Maxwell

York Bowen. Sonata for Flute and Piano, Sonata for Oboe and Piano, Sonata for Clarinet and Piano, Sonata for Horn and Piano. Endymion Ensemble.
Dutton CDLX 7129

“The Endymion Ensemble are both assured and pliant purveyors of this engaging music. Nor can there be any reservations about Tony Faulkener
’ beautifully judged sound and balance. Unhesitatingly recommended.”   Gramophone

"The Endymion Ensemble keeps to its high standards and the sound is flawless…  if you don't know Bowen, start here."
American Record Guide

Oboe Sonata 3rd movement with Melinda Maxwell.
Dutton CDLX 7106

"A peach of a disc."

An outstanding issue."
International Record Review

“The Endymion Ensemble perform faultlessly.
Amazon.com 5 stars

Recommended in The Good C.D. Guide

Quintet Op. 3, 3rd movement
Dunhill Chamber Music Endymion Ensemble.
Dutton Epoch 7152

"This is a fine disc indeed of some magnificent chamber music, beautifully performed by the gifted members of the Endymion Ensemble."
International Record Review

"The performances are excellent, spontaneous, committed and always at home in the locality of the writing. Excellent recording, too. If you love music that breathes the English countryside, you will find it in Dunhill's chamber music; the Endymion players create just this evocation" Gramophone

Toccata with Krysia Osostowicz.
Dutton Epoch CDLX 7100

"An auspicious start to the Endymion's planned series of British music, with incisive, sympathetic performances of a varied sequence of solo and ensemble pieces by Lennox Berkeley."
BBC Music Magazine

"Fine new recordings of Lennox Berkeley's elegantly fashioned music...the Endymion Ensemble do it proud."
Penguin Guide to Compact Discs

Elisabeth Lutyens.
Exaudi. Endymion. NMC

“The singers and players of Exaudi and Endymion turn in eloquent, dedicated performances in first-rate sound, making every note – as Lutyens intended – count.”
BBC Music Magazine, 5-star Recommendation

Sound Census, Works by 22 British composers.
Endymion/Quentin Poole NMC D160

“It is typical of Endymion, that marvellous champion of new (and old) chamber music, that this ensemble’s 30th birthday prompted no retrospective but a look to the future. Sound Census is a collection of newly commissioned works from 22 British composers…  It almost goes without saying that the Endymion players are first-rate advocates for these works.”
BBC Music Magazine, 5-star recording

© 2024  Michael Dussek