Untitled 1

Michael Dussek Pianist

“An outstanding artist”. BBC Music Magazine

Michael Dussek Pianist

“This is a tremendous disc, brimful of joy from the first note to the last.” Recording of the Week-Classic FM, Pianodao Recording of the Month September 2022

Michael Dussek Pianist

“A reading whose intelligence and empathy yield to no rivals.” Gramophone

Michael Dussek Pianist

“Michael Dussek negotiates the note-splattered Scharwenkian terrain with infectious bravado and sensitivity.” BBC Music Magazine 5-star recording

Michael Dussek Pianist

“One of the newest inductees in our Classical Hall of Fame.” Fanfare

Michael Dussek Pianist

"Une liquidité de toucher d'une lumière extraordinaire." Répertoire

Michael Dussek Pianist

“Michael Dussek is clearly equally at home whether as a chamber musician or as a flamboyant concerto soloist”. International Record Review

Michael Dussek Pianist

“The most consistently fine duo partner of his generation.” Classical Music

Michael Dussek Pianist

“Michael Dussek is nothing less than amazing.” Fanfare

Michael Dussek Pianist

“Michael Dussek was in complete control of his virtuoso piano part.” The Times

Michael Dussek Pianist

“Both (Roderick) Williams and Dussek rise to tremendous heights of eloquent expression… Williams has never done anything finer.” Opera Today 2020

Michael Dussek Pianist

“…Michael Dussek, whose innate musicality and instrumental command are evident from first note to last”. BBC Music Magazine

Michael Dussek Pianist

“Michael Dussek’s lovely accompaniment achieved a balance of shining precision.” Daily Telegraph

Michael Dussek Pianist

“Michael Dussek’s accompaniments are a model of scrupulous musicality.” Gramophone.

Michael Dussek Pianist

“(Krysia) Osostowicz and Dussek make out the strongest imaginable case for Rubbra’s neglected violin works." BBC Music Magazine 5-star recording

Michael Dussek Pianist

“Endymion, that marvellous champion of new (and old) chamber music.” BBC Music magazine, 5-star recording.

Michael Dussek Pianist

“A new coupling of Arensky’s two Piano Trios to set alongside the very best”. Gramophone

Michael Dussek Pianist

“An acclaimed ensemble… A technically immaculate and expressive rendition of Schubert’s Trio in B flat major.” The Strad

Michael Dussek Pianist

The cellist Margaret Powell and her husband Michael Dussek blended to perfection.” The Times

Michael Dussek Pianist

“Michael Dussek is a real find.” Classical Music January 1980

For reviews of Michael's many cds please see the Recording sections.


The superb Michael Dussek" Musical Opinion

The cellist Margaret Powell and her husband Michael Dussek blended to perfection in Beethoven's Sonata Op 102 No 1, in C major and even more in the G minor Sonata, Op. 65, of Chopin. They were able to sustain the long-breathed melodies of the latter in all their transformations and were not to blame for a certain textural sameness throughout the work. Mr Dussek was completely in command of his virtuoso piano part."
The Times

“Breathtaking Kreutzer from Čepický-Dussek Duo”
Seen and Heard International

Her partner at the piano, Michael Dussek, brought all his experience to bear upon the piece too - it is, after all, as much a sonata for him as for her - and throughout the recital provided astute support." 
The Times

Dussek and Dante Quartet Play Sensational Schumann
“Dussek proved simply outstanding in the glorious Piano Quintet...(he) played both with immense fire and passion, but also exhibited the most delicate of touches where the music demanded, and all finely matched by the quartet’s equally telling contribution. Dussek skilfully ensured that he and the Dantes, who never once felt the need to hold back in this generous outpouring of pure Romantic expression, were all but equal protagonists, culminating in what was a quite sensational performance... (Stephen) Stirling gave a most compelling mini-lecture on the work (Brahms Horn Trio)...The performance itself must surely rank as one of the best instances of chamber-music playing heard for a very long time, distinguished by the correspondingly first-rate piano-playing of Dussek, and (Krysia) Osotowicz’s highly-sympathetic and suitably impassioned contribution.” 
Seen and Heard International

“...her excellent accompanist, Michael Dussek." 
Hilary Finch, The Times

"Both (Alexander) Baillie and (Michael) Dussek achieved a gossamer like thread of tone for Debussy's elusive, whispering music and bound together the quirkily episodic strands of the sonata's structure into a coherent and eminently satisfying whole. And it was gratifying for once to hear a performance of Chopin's sonata where the cello did not sound like an obligato instrument. Both players achieved a remarkable degree of stylistic unity considering that Dussek was a late replacement for the originally advertised pianist." 
The Guardian

"Here, as well as elsewhere in the recital, Michael Dussek supplied the most sensitive and stylish keyboard support."
The Daily Telegraph

“Stephan Loges’s dignified demeanour and musical characterisation were ideally suited to the demands of both cycles, as there were no artificial or exaggerated gestures...Michael Dussek’s accompaniment worked in tandem with Loges’s singing to achieve a consistent dramatic purpose...This was a performance of magnificent stature against which it is difficult to imagine that anyone’s defences could have remained firm. The interpretations of both the Britten (Songs and Proverbs of William Blake) and Schubert (Schwanengesang) cycles evoked those notions of the sublime as that which fills the mind with terror, astonishment, nobility and greatness, and were in consequence profoundly moving.”
Seen and Heard International Oxford Lieder Festival

"Admirably partnered at the piano by Michael Dussek...Mr Dussek's contribution was one of sterling accomplishment".
Daily Telegraph

Masterfully partnered by Michael Dussek, the outstanding Japanese violinist Hideko Udagawa gave a superb programme at Cadogan Hall on April 27. She began with a limpid and flowing account of Schubert’s always-delightful G minor Sonatina, in which Ms Udagawa’s tone and phrasing were a constant delight. Michael Dussek partnered her to the manner born, and they followed with a deeply impressive account of Strauss’s E flat major sonata Opus 18, a performance that suggested to this listener that this work is somewhat under-rated, so compelling and penetrating were Ms. Udagawa and Mr Dussek – at one in their commitment to the music. This was a splendid performance throughout. But it was in Beethoven’s C minor Sonata Opus 30 No 2 that these players showed the depth of their artistry, delivering a performance of fine musical understanding.”
Musical Opinion

At the Wigmore Hall on 20 July the Russian bass-baritone Vassily Savenko joined forces with the Dussek Piano Trio in a finely conceived programme of Russian music. Mussorgsky's Songs and Dances of Death were interpreted with profound insight and glorious tonal range by Savenko, perceptively accompanied by Michael Dussek, who then joined his colleagues in Arensky's ardent Trio in D minor Opus 32. It is a very long time since I heard this splendid piece, whose neglect is indeed astonishing. Here it was rightly played with the passion clearly intended by a composer who deserves much more recognition. I loved every note."
Musical Opinion

“The other two works in the Endymion programme were a reminder – though neither Vaughan Williams’s Quintet in D nor Dohnanyi’s Sextet in C is a diamond of the first water – of what an excellent ensemble it is.”
Michael Church, Independent, Wigmore Hall,

A recital at the Wigmore Hall was shared last night by the oboist Douglas Boyd and the cellist Margaret Powell, both accompanied by Michael Dussek...Mr Boyd's tonal and dynamic range was impressively displayed by a G minor sonata by Bach, filched with justification from the flute repertory. His playing had fine phrase control and seductive charm. Mr Dussek's lovely accompaniment achieved a balance of shining precision." 
The Daily Telegraph

“The Dussek Piano Trio...an acclaimed ensemble...the trio played with vivacious elegance...a perfectly balanced and richly empathic ensemble. A technically immaculate and expressive rendition of Schubert's Trio in B flat major...the collective phrasing had the eloquence of real assurance, each colouristic ebb and flow exactly matched." 
The Strad

"There are undoubtedly violinists with more technical prowess and a bigger tone than Lorraine McAslan, but few can boast her innate musicality and delicate yet firm way with the violin. She doesn't force the music on you, but persuades you to listen by dint of her utter sincerity and her total absence of outward display. Everything is achieved by putting her instrument at the service of the composer. All this was abundantly evident at her recital on Monday, given as part of the Beethoven Festival of chamber music at the Wigmore Hall, when she played three of his sonatas with a full comprehension of their inner needs. Her regular partner was unable to appear. In his place came Michael Dussek, who proved a pianist very much in the same mould. Without subordinating his own personality, he managed to match his contributions to McAslan's playing, with a keen sense of line and fine articulation. They very rightly gave opus 12, No1 the simple attributes of clear legato and unaffected phrasing it asks for. In the much more demanding "Kreutzer", they increased the velocity and intensity for the outer movements, and brought a sweet grace to the theme and variations. For the serene and economic mood of Opus 96, the pair again found the right approach"
The Daily Telegraph

“An accompanist with all the skill and mastery of a confident soloist, but with the intelligence to match his playing to his partner’s without imposing or losing his own personality." 
Classical Music Magazine

"In a century not short of musical revolutions, the appearance of Ligeti's Horn Trio in 1982 was one of the more quietly subversive moments...The trio is intriguingly subtitled "Hommage to Brahms". And, though there is nothing nostalgic or anecdotal about Ligeti's music, it's still fascinating to hear it programmed alongside Brahm's own Horn Trio Op 40, as it was in this recital by three members of Endymion - horn player Stephen Stirling, violinist Krysia Osostowicz and pianist Michael Dussek... The Endymion performances had a wonderful assurance about them, technical and musical, as if pairing these two distinctive masterpieces was the most natural thing in the world." 
The Guardian

"A cellist who can make Schubert's Arpeggione Sonata float lightly and easily across the strings will always be assured a welcome... For Ofra Harnoy it could not have been a better introduction....The Arpeggione was her second item and the easy, lyrical quality that she gave it, especially in the slow movement which sang in the best Schubertian tradition, was a pleasure that was to last the whole evening... In Brahms' F major Sonata Op 99 the lyrical mood continued and expanded: simply and gracefully played, always searching out phrases where the tone might sing out... The accompanist was Michael Dussek who most considerately answered Harnoy's playing in the Brahms with elegant, not very Teutonic colours of his own: the first movement is notoriously difficult to balance (the piano part is almost a concerto on its own) but every note in this performance was clearly audible. They make a well-matched team." 
The Financial Times

"The most consistently fine duo partner of his generation; excelling in a field where the standard has anyway risen enormously in the last few years." Classical Music Magazine

"Michael Dussek created a marvellously colourful backcloth, supple and imaginative, out of the fiendish piano part." 
The Strad

There was more majestic Beethoven from the Lindsay Quartet (the second Rasumovsky) and the Dussek Piano Trio (The Archduke)... and the Endymion Ensemble ended its stimulating morning concert with a gorgeously exuberant performance of Dohnanyi's flagrantly romantic Sextet for piano, wind and string trio. Now there's a composer due for revaluation."
Michael Kennedy, Sunday Telegraph , Cheltenham Festival

"The ensemble found an admirable pianist in Michael Dussek whose agility and cleanliness of articulation were exquisite." 

"...her splendid English pianist Michael Dussek." 
Toronto Star

"..his extremely perceptive pianist partner Michael Dussek" 
The Daily Telegraph


© 2024  Michael Dussek