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Michael Dussek Pianist

“An outstanding artist”. BBC Music Magazine

Michael Dussek Pianist

“This is a tremendous disc, brimful of joy from the first note to the last.” Recording of the Week-Classic FM, Pianodao Recording of the Month September 2022

Michael Dussek Pianist

“A reading whose intelligence and empathy yield to no rivals.” Gramophone

Michael Dussek Pianist

“Michael Dussek negotiates the note-splattered Scharwenkian terrain with infectious bravado and sensitivity.” BBC Music Magazine 5-star recording

Michael Dussek Pianist

“One of the newest inductees in our Classical Hall of Fame.” Fanfare

Michael Dussek Pianist

"Une liquidité de toucher d'une lumière extraordinaire." Répertoire

Michael Dussek Pianist

“Michael Dussek is clearly equally at home whether as a chamber musician or as a flamboyant concerto soloist”. International Record Review

Michael Dussek Pianist

“The most consistently fine duo partner of his generation.” Classical Music

Michael Dussek Pianist

“Michael Dussek is nothing less than amazing.” Fanfare

Michael Dussek Pianist

“Michael Dussek was in complete control of his virtuoso piano part.” The Times

Michael Dussek Pianist

“Both (Roderick) Williams and Dussek rise to tremendous heights of eloquent expression… Williams has never done anything finer.” Opera Today 2020

Michael Dussek Pianist

“…Michael Dussek, whose innate musicality and instrumental command are evident from first note to last”. BBC Music Magazine

Michael Dussek Pianist

“Michael Dussek’s lovely accompaniment achieved a balance of shining precision.” Daily Telegraph

Michael Dussek Pianist

“Michael Dussek’s accompaniments are a model of scrupulous musicality.” Gramophone.

Michael Dussek Pianist

“(Krysia) Osostowicz and Dussek make out the strongest imaginable case for Rubbra’s neglected violin works." BBC Music Magazine 5-star recording

Michael Dussek Pianist

“Endymion, that marvellous champion of new (and old) chamber music.” BBC Music magazine, 5-star recording.

Michael Dussek Pianist

“A new coupling of Arensky’s two Piano Trios to set alongside the very best”. Gramophone

Michael Dussek Pianist

“An acclaimed ensemble… A technically immaculate and expressive rendition of Schubert’s Trio in B flat major.” The Strad

Michael Dussek Pianist

The cellist Margaret Powell and her husband Michael Dussek blended to perfection.” The Times

Michael Dussek Pianist

“Michael Dussek is a real find.” Classical Music January 1980

Michael Dussek’s Students

Michael Dussek teaches Piano Accompaniment and Chamber Music at London’s Royal Academy of Music, where he is now Geoffrey Parsons Professor of Ensemble Piano, having been Head of Piano Accompaniment for many years. He also teaches privately. Michael’s former students are now at the forefront of the international musical scene as song collaborators, chamber musicians, soloists, répétiteurs, conductors, teachers and festival directors. They have performed as concerto soloist at the Proms and the Royal Festival Hall, conducted at Covent Garden, Glyndebourne, New York's Metropolitan Opera and Staatsoper Berlin, and are frequent recitalists at the world’s major concert venues, receiving the highest critical accolades.

His students have been selected as BBC New Generation Artists and have been winners of YCAT and of all the British Piano Accompaniment prizes, such as the Wigmore Hall, Kathleen Ferrier, Gerald Moore and Royal Overseas League Awards. They have also been successful in international competitions such as Trondheim International Chamber Music Competition, Das Lied, Copenhagen Lied Duo and Hugo Wolf Internationaler Wettbewerb für Liedkunst, Stuttgart.

Michael’s Chamber Music students at the Royal Academy of Music have won the following awards:
Melbourne International Chamber Music Competition
Osaka International Chamber Music Competition
International Trio Competition of the Frankfurt Commerzbank
BBC New Generation Scheme
Young Concert Artists Trust
Philharmonia/Martin Musical Trust Chamber Music Award
Tillett Trust
Tunnell Trust
Parkhouse Award
Royal Overseas League Best Ensemble
Royal Overseas League Best Ensemble Pianist
Park Lane Group
Kirckman Concert Society

Michael Dussek has given Masterclasses in Berlin, Hannover, St Petersburg and Weimar; also at the China Central Conservatory in Beijing and Zhuhai Masterclasses.

In the UK he has taught at the Britten-Pears School in Aldeburgh, at the Oxford Lieder Festival, Cambridge University and on the Tunnell Trust Chamber Music courses in Scotland.
He has also given Masterclasses at the Royal College of Music and at the Yehudi Menuhin School and Purcell School.


For details of Michael’s individual students please email michaeldussek@aol.com

© 2024 Michael Dussek